2015 Kdx 220 Service Manual
Well, this sucks, I still can't find one, I am ready to actually pay for one at this point. So does anyone know where to get one? I dont want the online one because I was under the impression that you can't export it or print it very well. I need either a PDF that I can print, or a old school hard copy.

The only hard copies I've found are like $50 and that's absurd. Any ideas guys?
I need to do the forks and a topend. I got a piston for $80, spending $50 on a manual seems retarded. Member Posts: 11 Joined: 04:58 pm Mar 24 2010 Has thanked: 0 time Been thanked: 0 time.
I agree with you totally there! As if whenever we need to change a or a set of rings we have to take it to the mech whichs means waisting a lot of money on labour and waiting for ages until it's ready while we could do it ourselves. I wanted to make the same enquiry myself.
I want to replace my piston and rings on my 94' KDX 250 and someone told me I need to find a manual that shows tells how much I should tighten the screws of the cylinder head (and others) with a special lbs measuring tool! Does anyone have any answers out there? Where is that information hidden anyway? Yes, not only do you save $$ by doing stuff yourself, but also I enjoy a lot being able to work on bikes myself. I’ve dug into my WR426 so much it’s become second nature to grab the owners manual, which covers every possible aspect of overhauling the bike.
When I added the KDX to my garage, I took for granted the manual would be complete and not hide any overhaul information. Boy, was I wrong! I’m not saying the YAMAHA is better than the KDX, FAR FROM IT! I think the KDX is the best trail bike ever made!
If a service manual does exist for the KDX, I would not hesitate to buy one. They still have the KIPS assy error in the manual? Kawi told me they had no plans to correct it, so I assume so. Towit: Check CDave's site for that correction (one of the pictures showing how to put the KIPS back together has parts mislabeled). Click on, look at under the 'General' heading. Antonyp: Certainly the head/cylinder should be torqued correctly.
If you haven't found the exact numbers (and you still want them) let me know. I'll look it up. If you do any wrenching at all, you can pretty much guess based on bolt/stud/nut size. Seems the KDX cylinder runs around 22ft. I'll get you the fig newton/meter numbers if you want. Re: special tool The problem is you can't get a standard torque wrench on all of the cylinder bolts due to mechanical interference. MotionPro makes a wrench with a boxend metric on the ends (2 different sizes) and a square drive in the middle, so you can offset your torque wrench.
Problem is of course, that when you change the length of your torque wrench you also goober the torque settings. DO NOT use the wrench settings and think you are setting the nuts to spec if you use this tool without using the supplied adaptation formula. Sounds complicated? Yeah.so FORGET ABOUT IT.
1997 Kdx 220
Just make sure the MotionPro wrench stays attached to your torque wrench at a 90º angle. THEN you can use the wrench settings. They will be correct at the 90º angle. Let me know about the torque numbers.