97 Suzuki Marauder 800 Manual
The choke should not require holding out check cable adjustment unless the machine is in gear with the side stand down you should not need to hold the clutch in unless your stand switch is faulty try the following leave side stand down with the machine in neutral switch key on pull choke out hit the start button this should see you with the machine started & idleing once warmlift the machine of the stand engage clutch & select 1st gear if the motor stalls at this point it is almost certain you have a faulty stand switch. Good Luck Geoff Posted on Apr 09, 2010. Hi, Abgurkins and the usual suspects are: 1. Idle circuit and transfer ports clogged.

Air fuel mixture adjustment too lean. Pilot jet clogged.
Faulty accelerator pump. Float level too low. Float bowl contaminated old fuel, water, dirt, rust, etc. Float bowl vent or overflow tube clogged. Fuel flow to carburetor restricted. Intake manifold leak. The gas cap is not venting properly or fuel tank venting system blocked.

97 Suzuki Marauder 800 Parts
Vacuum line from intake manifold to petcock broken, cracked, or not attached, carburetor vent line plugged. 1986 honda atc 200x. Needle and seat stuck closed in the float bowl. Multi carburetors not in sync. For more information about your issue and valuable 'FREE' downloads that you will need please click on the blue links below.
1997 Suzuki Marauder 800 Owners Manual
Good luck and have a wonderful day. Btw, I’m available to help over the phone in case u need at Jun 30, 2017.