Stihl 009l Parts Manual
. 010 chain saws. This Service Manual can therefore be used for the 009 and 011 chain saws as well. In the event of faults it is quite possible that a single fault may have several causes. STIHL 009, 010, 011 CONTENTS Specifications Installation of 4.5.2 Adjusting Breaker- Crankshaft Controlled Ignition Engine - Assembly of Magneto Edge Gap Fuel System Crankcase on Breaker- Ignition System Leakage Testing the Controlled Ignition Tightening Torques Crankcase Cutting Attachment 3.8.1 Pressure Test Weights 3.8.2.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 Fuel System Construction and Operation of Carburetor 8.1.1 Operation of Fuel Pump 8.1.2 Operation of Carburetor Troubleshooting Chart Leakage Test (Pressure Test) on Carburetor Disassembly of Carburetor Repair of Carburetor Carburetor Adjustment 8.6.1 Notes for Fine Adjust. STIHL 009, 010, 011 SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 Engine Single cylinder two-stroke engine with specially processed cylinder bore Displacement 009, 010: 37 cm³ (2.26 cu. In) Bore 009, 010: 36 mm (1.42 in) Displacement 011: 41 cm³ (2.50 cu. In) Bore 011: 38 mm (1.50 in). STIHL 009, 010, 011 Fuel mixture: Regular grade gasoline and branded two-cycle engine oil Mix ratio 1:40 with STIHL two-cycle engine oil: 1:25 with other branded two-cycle engine oils Air filter: Large area felt mat Ignition System Type: Breaker-controlled magneto.

011 AV Dry powerhead with 30 cm bar and chain: 4.3 kg 4.6 kg 4.7 kg (9.51 b) (10.1lb) (10.4Ib) Special Accessories STIHL repair kit 009, 010, 011 1120 900 5000 Set of gaskets 009, 010, 011 1120 007 1050. STIHL 009, 010, 011 CLUTCH, CHAIN DRIVE AND CHAIN BRAKE Construction and Operation 2.1.1 Clutch and Chain Sprocket Clutch with cranked U-plate in position Component parts of clutch The transmission of power from the engine to the saw chain is effected via a centrifugal clutch which has no linings. STIHL 009, 010, 011 2.1.2 Chain Brake The chain brake is a spring-loaded The chain brake is disengaged by The chain brake is engaged by band brake without any friction linings. Pulling the hand guard back toward moving the hand guard toward the Its main components are the brake the handlebar. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Repair 2.3.1 Disassembly and Assembly of Clutch Top: Top: Locking screw 1107 191 1200 Wrench 1113 890 3600 Bottom: Bottom: Locking screw in position Unscrewing the clutch Counterbored side of clutch washer and stub of crankshaft with clean gasoline. STIHL 009, 010, 011 2.3.2 Disassembly of Disassembly of Chain Brake Chain Brake Top: Detaching tension spring Top: Brake band, brake lever and tension spring in Center: position Removing retaining washer Bottom: Bottom: Fitting tension spring with installing tool.
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STIHL 009, 010, 011 ENGINE Construction Series 010 chain saws are powered The crankcase is a two-part pressure The connecting rod is supported by by an air-cooled, single cylinder two- die casting made of a magnesium cylindrical rollers, i. Without a stroke engine. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Exposing the Cylinder Disassembly of Cylinder and Piston Top: Top: Top: Unscrewing the fan housing Removing the handle moulding Removing flat head screw Bottom: Bottom: Bottom: Unscrew the muffler Removing hexagon nut from handlebar Removing cylinder base. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Top: Top: Top: Wooden assembly block 1108 893 4800 Removing wire retainer Clamp 1120 893 9100 Bottom: Bottom: Bottom: Assembly block fitted between crankcase Pressing out piston pin Clamp in position and piston with drift 1114 893 4700.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 Assembly of Piston and Cylinder Tightening cylinder base screws with Arrow must point toward flywheel Fitting the cylinder torque wrench As there are no longer any matching Fit new cylinder gasket on the crank- categories to observe the piston and case. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Disassembly of Crank- case - Removal of Crankshaft Top: Top: Removing key Driving out the crankshaft Center and bottom: Bottom: Removing the hand guard Knocking back cylindrical pins Knocking out oil seal To remove the crankshaft, first drain the fuel and oil tanks. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Installation of Crankshaft - Assembly of Crankcase Top: Cleaning sealing faces Center: Needle sleeve correctly positioned Driving out needle sleeve Bottom: with press arbor 1120 893 7200 Pressing in needle sleeve If the old crankcase is used again, carefully clean the sealing faces. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Top: Top: Press sleeve 1120 893 2400 Cylindrical rollers held in position by grease Bottom: Bottom: Pressing oil seal into position Clamp 1120 893 9100 in position Cutting away gasket web at cylinder opening during assembly and the cylindrical rollers dropping out of the crankshaft groove. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Leakage Testing the Crankcase Top: Carburetor and crankcase tester 1106 850 2900 Bottom: Removing gasket web at inlet port Vacuum pump 0000 850 3500 Then insert and tighten down the flat head screws to a torque of 4 - 5 Nm (0.4 - 0.5 kpm). STIHL 009, 010, 011 3.8.1 Pressure Test Top: Sealing plate 1120 855 8100 and Top: test flange 1120 855 4200 Test flange 1120 855 4215 in position Bottom: Bottom: Exhaust port sealed Test flange 1118 850 4210 secured in position.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 3.8.2 Vacuum Test 3.8.3 Replacing the Oil Seals Leakage test with vacuum pump Puller 0000 890 4400 in position Oils seals tend to fail when they are must be replaced even if no leaks The oil seals can be replaced with- subjected to a vacuum. STIHL 009, 010, 011 IGNITION SYSTEM Description of Operation Construction The 010 is equipped with a breaker- Every magneto ignition system ope- voltage is principally depended on the controlled magneto ignition system rates on the principle of magnetic strength of the primary current which which requires neither a battery nor induction.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.2.1 Breaker-Controlled Magneto Ignition Diagram of ignition system: 4 Contact breaker 1 Flywheel 5 Condenser 2 Permanent magnet with north and 6 Spark plug south poles and pole shoes 7 Ignition stop switch 3 Ignition armature with primary and. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Troubleshooting Chart Spark plug terminal firmly seated on spark plug? Remove spark plug. Press terminal firmly onto spark Is it in good condition? Plug and fit spring if necessary.
Clean spark plug and reset electrode gap. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Function and Repair of Components 4.4.1 Spark Plug Troubleshooting on the ignition The high-tension pulse generated in alternative to the standard Bosch the ignition system is fed to the spark system should always begin at WSR 6 F (formerly WKA 200 TR 6).
STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.4.2 Ignition Lead Checking electrode gap Resetting electrode gap with Bosch with feeler gauge spark plug gauge Pulling out leg spring Never use a steel wire brush for by pulling the rewind starter. The ignition lead feeds the high. STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.4.3 Ground Lead Contact Top: Top: Ignition lead inserted through Spring strip of ignition stop switch terminal pushed out of slot Bottom: Bottom: Screwing ignition lead onto armature Fitting leg spring Removing ignition stop switch The new ignition lead must have a length of 370 mm. STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.4.4 Flywheel Top: Locking screw 11 in position Bottom: Releasing hexagon nut Removing the contact spring The flywheel has several functions.
It accommodates the permanent mag- net for the ignition system with a north and south pole (polarized in the engine's normal direction of rotation). STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.4.5 Ignition Armature Top: Releasing flywheel with puller 1116 893 0800 Bottom: 1 = Primary connection Tightening hexagon nut with 2 = Secondary connection torque wrench Key correctly positioned 3 = Ground connection On the ignition armature the primary. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Resistance Test Resistance Test Disassembly on Primary Winding on Secondary Winding and Assembly Top: Removing the contact set Bottom: Resistance test on primary winding Resistance test on secondary winding Unscrewing the ignition armature. STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.4.6 Condenser Top: Setting gauge 1111 890 6400 Center: Securing the armature Bottom: Checking condenser with ohmmeter Pushing armature away from flywheel Checking air gap with feeler gauge 5910 850 4800 The condenser is wired in parallel with To reassemble, connect up primary the contact breaker. STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.4.7 Contact Set Top: Removing contact set and cable clamp Bottom: Removing mounting screw Discharging the condenser The contact breaker set consists of a fixed contact, which is connected to ground, and a moving contact breaker. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Ignition Timing Top: Cylindrical pin on contact set Bottom: Locating hole in crankcase Checking breaker point gap The ignition timing on the breaker- controlled magneto ignition system must be set to 2.0 mm before T D.C. STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.5.1 Checking Breaker Controlled Ignition Top: Dial gauge with holder 1110 890 8600 and Top: tracer pin 1107 894 3000 Dial gauge set to 'O' Bottom: Bottom: Holder in position Ignition timing unit ready for test.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 4.5.2 Adjusting Breaker- Magneto Edge Gap on Controlled Ignition Breaker-Controlled Ignition Resetting breaker point gap The position of the magnet at the lated. None of these values can be point of current interruption, i.e. Altered without affecting the others. STIHL 009, 010, 011 REWIND STARTER Construction and Operation The withdrawn starter rope is auto- The rewind starter mechanism is loaded rewind spring, rotates the matically rewound onto the rope rotor mounted on the starter post in the rotor when the starter grip is pulled. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Disassembly Replacing the Starter Rope Top: Top: Starter rope secured in rope rotor Pawl in position Bottom: Bottom: Unscrewing the fan housing Special knots Fitting the spring clip First unscrew the fan housing together with the rewind starter. Then release tension on rewind spring. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Replacing the Tensioning the General Maintenance Rewind Spring Rewind Spring Rewind spring in position Tensioning the rewind spring If the starter rope action becomes very stiff and it rewinds very slowly or not completely, it can be assumed that the rewind starter is mechanically in order but plugged with dirt.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 AV HANDLE SYSTEM Repair Construction and Operation Top: Removing flat head screw Bottom: Position of vibration dampers Unscrewing vibration damper with bracket Unscrewing the hexagon nut On handlebar The anti-vibration handle system re- duces engine and cutting attachment Unscrew the hexagon nut. STIHL 009, 010, 011 CHAIN LUBRICATION Construction and Operation of Oil Pump Schematic of oil pump Top: 1 = Filter Intake stroke 2 = Feed bore 3 = Plunger with diaphragm Bottom: 4 = Pulse chamber Delivery stroke 5 = Compression spring and plunger fills with chain oil. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Troubleshooting Chart In the event of difficulties with the chain oil supply, always investigate and rectify the other possible sources of faults before disassembling the oil pump. Remedy Fault Cause Fill up with oil No oil supply to chain.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 Oil Tank/Tank Vent Notes on Repair Chain oil supply system Split pin in vent hole sure in the oil tank. This is necessary because the pump would not otherwise operate, i. The airtight seal provided by the oil filler cap. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Disassembly and Repair of Pump Housing Top: Top: Removing retaining ring Removing the oil pump Bottom: Bottom: Assembly sequence-diaphragm, compression Removing plastic washer spring and pump cover Disconnecting delivery hose The filter can also be washed in clean gasoline. STIHL 009, 010, 011 FUEL SYSTEM Construction and Operation of Carburetor The all-position diaphragm flow from the pump chamber into the the diaphragm against the pump carburetor consists of the fuel pump diaphragm chamber. The needle chamber and exerts pressure on the and the carburetor body.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 Top: Top: Starting position Changing from idle to part or full-throttle position Bottom: Idle position Bottom: Full-throttle position 1 - Pulse nipple 2 - Inlet valve open 9 - Throttle valve 3 - Fuel intake 10 - Secondary idle jet. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Troubleshooting Chart Remedy Fault Cause Inlet valve not sealing. Remove and clean or Carburetor floods – Foreign matter in valve seat replace inlet needle engine stalls or cone damaged Helical spring not located on Remove inlet control lever and.
STIHL 009, 010, 011 Remedy Fault Cause Clean jet bores and blow Engine stalls at idle speed Idle jet bores or ports clogged out with compressed air Turn low-speed adjustment screw Idle jet too 'rich' slightly clockwise (see Carburetor Adjustment) Set idle speed screw correctly Idle speed screw incorrectly set –. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Leakage Test (Pressure Test) on Carburetor Bottom: Tester connected Correct position of fuel line Removing the carburetor The carburetor can be tested for First remove the filter cover and filter leaks with the carburetor and plate and pull the fuel line off the car- crankcase tester 1106 850 2900. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Repair of Carburetor Top: Removing fuel pump end cover Bottom: Taking out the fuel strainer Removing metering chamber cover Removing inlet needle be lifted out with a screwdriver and recess in the metering diaphragm washed in clean gasoline. Always chamber. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Top: Top: Removing adjustment screws Locating studs on carburetor body Bottom: Bottom: Removing the plate Hole in metering chamber cover Locating studs on end cover end cover must face away from the adjustment screws. Refit the fuel strainer, pump dia- phragm, gasket and fuel pump end cover and screw down firmly.
Stihl 009l Parts Lookup
STIHL 009, 010, 011 8.6.1 Notes for Fine Adjustment of Carburetor Adjusting idle speed screw 1 = High-speed adjustment screw 2 = Low-speed adjustment screw (Filter cover must be removed for this adjustment) 3 = Idle speed screw Do not interchange these adjustment. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Fuel Line Tank Vent Withdrawing the pickup body Removing the felt bar Tank vent in position Trouble-free operation of the The diaphragm pump draws fuel out The tank vent consists of a tube and a carburetor depends on the fuel tank of the fuel tank and into the carburetor grub screw. STIHL 009, 010, 011 Air Filter and Choke Valve Top: Choke slide in 'CHOKE' position Bottom: Removing filter cover Pressing down the valve plate The air filter's function is to intercept and retain dust and dirt in the intake air and thus reduce wear on engine components.
Nothing is worse than ordering a part online, waiting for it to get to you, and then finding out that you ordered the wrong part. We have taken the time to match our suitable replacement Stihl 009L parts to each chainsaw that they fit by model and subcategory. Before ordering, if you are in any way unsure, or have a question about fit or function of a part, simply give us a call and we will be more than happy to help make sure you order the right Stihl 009L chainsaw parts. We ship daily and most orders go out within 24 to 48 hours.
Stihl 009l Owners Manual
Important Notice - We are not affiliated with any chainsaw manufacturers and we do not attempt to make any affiliations with them. Any manufacturer logos, model names and numbers are the sole property of their respective owners and are used here for the sole purpose of reference. We do not sell OEM chainsaw parts for any brand. We do however, offer high quality suitable replacement parts guaranteed to meet or beat OEM part specifications like our suitable replacement Stihl 009L Chainsaw Part we offer for sale for you to buy and put into their brand of chainsaws.