Vbs Music Lesson Guide
Day 1 Sponsor and SaviorThe cost for entering the race is too high for us to pay, and only our Sponsor and Savior can pay the full price for us to be in the race. So, race for the glory of Jesus and display His Name proudly! 1 Peter 3:18AFor Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. (NIV shown, but KJV, ESV, and HCSB are also available) Bible lessons Bible Story Lesson: 'Paid in Full'While on the cross, a thief comes to terms with his own sin and asks Jesus to “sponsor” him, paying his way into Heaven.
Adapted from Luke 23:39-43 Bible Application Lesson: 'Sponsor and Savior!' Through object lessons with t-shirts and Scripture, children are confronted by the fact that they cannot pay all the costs to enter the race, and that only Jesus can pay their way. Drama PlotRoy explains to his new racing students that they need a Sponsor in order to get into the race. Includes Gospel Presentation. Craft Sponsor Hats Baseball caps with “sponsor” logos, race numbers and decorations. Game 'Hat Dance!'
A relay race that requires players to put on ten hats and recite Scripture before the other team can do it. Snack Stock Cars Made from crackers, Easy Cheese, cheddar cheese and Cheerios. Song 'Paid My Way!' This 70’s style rock tune reminds kids that Jesus paid the way!
Day 2 Know and Go!In auto racing and in the race of life, it’s important to know your stuff! But, just KNOWING what the Bible says is useless unless you ACT on what you know by applying and obeying God’s Word! James 1:22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says! (NIV shown, but KJV, ESV, and HCSB are also available) Bible lessons Bible Story Lesson: 'Ordinary Champions' The Sadducees, with all their knowledge, fail to live out what they know, while Peter, with seemingly limited knowledge, heals a cripple by God’s power. Adapted from Acts chapters 3-4 Bible Application Lesson: 'Know and Go!' Through Scripture, and through object lessons with a race car without wheels, kids will learn the importance of combining knowledge of God’s Word with action to obey it.
Drama PlotAs Dixie and “Crash” fuel their rivalry, Roy reminds them both to talk with their actions. Includes Gospel Presentation. Craft Paper Stock Cars Fun, accurate stock car models made from folded paper. Game 'Horsepower!' A wheeled mini-cart race that requires cooperation and teamwork in order to succeed! Snack Piston Rods Made with cucumber slices, celery stalks, and Easy Cheese. Song 'Know and Go!'
This 50’s style rock song reminds kids to know and apply their Bible! Day 3 Stay on Track!
There’s only one road to Heaven, and you’ve got to stay on that track. Often, that means undergoing adjustments and discipline to make sure you don’t get off track!
Proverbs 3:5-6Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (NIV shown, but KJV, ESV, and HCSB are also available) Bible lessons Bible Story Lesson: 'Against the Wind'After spying out the Promised Land, Caleb and Joshua go against Israel’s prevailing disobedience, staying on track and finally entering the Promised Land. Adapted from Numbers chapters 13-14 Bible Application Lesson: 'Stay on Track!'
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Using Scripture, and an object lesson with a rolling office chair, kids will learn the importance of staying on God’s path and using God’s Word to keep them on track. Drama PlotRoy warns Dixie not to get caught up in her rivalry with “Crash.” Instead, she should stay on God’s track. Includes Gospel Presentation. Craft Steering Wheels Pipe insulation and craft foam formed into a steering wheel. Game 'Tire Roll!' A relay race that requires kids to roll a tire around obstacles and recite Scripture. Snack Lug Nuts Made with banana pieces and mini Oreos dipped in chocolate.
Song 'R-O-A-D!' This fun song gives kids a four-step process for staying on track! Day 4 Refuel, Repair & Refresh!The race is long, and you can’t run a good race unless you pull over for regular pit stops.
There, your worship and fellowship will refuel, repair and refresh you so you can run a better race! Hebrews 10:25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (NIV shown, but KJV, ESV, and HCSB are also available) Bible lessons Bible Story Lesson: 'The Ultimate Pit Stop'While Martha frantically runs and runs, her sister Mary takes time out to sit at the feet of Jesus to be instructed. Adapted from Luke 10:38-42. Bible Application Lesson: 'Refuel, Repair & Refresh' Through a Scripture-driven object lesson with bottles of water, kids will learn how they can “run out of gas” and why they need to attend church to be repaired and “refueled.” Drama PlotDixie learns the hard way that every racer needs regular pit stops for refueling and repairs. Includes Gospel Presentation. Craft Pit Passes Credential holder lanyards made from craft foam, complete with pit passes.
Game 'Pit Stop!' A race that involves simulated pit stops, where kids must “change tires” and “gas up” as quickly as they can! Snack Racing Tires Chocolate donuts with raised “letters” made from icing. Song 'Positively!' This powerful worship song reminds kids of God’s power!
Day 5 Race to Win!It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon, so keep a steady and consistent pace and be faithful to God in all you do. Race in such a way as to win the prize, and tell the world about Jesus! Philippians 3:14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (NIV shown, but KJV, ESV, and HCSB are also available) Bible lessons Bible Story Lesson: 'A Lifelong Race'Through many trials and through the reigns of three kings, Daniel lives out a consistent life of honoring God.
Vbs Music Lesson Guidelines

Adapted from the Book of Daniel. Bible Application Lesson: 'Race to Win!'
Through a Scripture-based object lesson that features kids “racing” through the classroom, children will learn that consistency and faithfulness, NOT speed, will win the race. Drama PlotPutting her faith into practice, Dixie sets her rivalry with “Crash” aside and shares her faith. Includes Gospel Presentation. Craft Checkered Flags Checkered flags made from craft foam or paper with a dowel rod pole. Game 'Truthopolis 500' A full simulated stock car race where kids must race around a track and must make regular pit stops along the way. Snack Checkered Flags Cubes of dark and white bread laid in a checkered pattern with sauce. Song 'Keep Pressing On!'
This southern-rock song exhorts kids to never give up in the race! Question Answer For Ages? 3 through 6th grade (Teen and Adult materials also included) Teaching Levels? Up to four as needed (3s & 4's, K-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-6th, plus Teen and Adult lessons) Bible Versions? NIV, KJV, HCSB, ESV, NLT, NKJV Length of Program?
Five days / 2 1/2 hours per day Scale of Program? Scalable program can run in small churches and large churches Reproducible? You are free to re-use or re-print materials freely for use within your own ministry. Digital web-based.
Print your own materials as needed or teach straight from your mobile devices. No physical materials provided.
$99, plain and simple. Sure, you might incur other costs depending on how you choose to use our program (printing, crafts supplies, and so on), but all you'll pay US is the price we're showing you. We won't nickel-and-dime you.
Our products are digital, not physical. That means you won't have to wait for us (or pay for us) to ship you a box full of stuff.
Instead, we deliver all of our materials to you INSTANTLY by hosting it all 'in the cloud' on our website. This allows you to get started right away, without having to keep track of books, discs, or other stuff. You and your staff can simply log in to our website from any computer or mobile device, and all of your materials are right there waiting for you, right at your fingertips, wherever you are! Better still, our servers will always have the most recent, up-to-date versions of our materials, all backed up regularly and waiting for you to access, now or years in the future, anytime you need them! It's a faster, smarter, and less expensive way to do VBS! See our information below about what this VBS includes!
Item Explanation Classrooms Needed 4 Minimum. Up to 8 for large programs. Volunteers Needed One adult for every ten children, plus five Supplies Needed for Crafts, Games, Snacks, etc. Our crafts, games, and snack projects all call for low-cost supplies which can be purchased from nearly any discount store like Walmart. Alternately, many of the supplies can be purchased at discounts from various vendors online. The specific items you'll need are detailed in the VBS materials themselves, and the quantities needed depends upon the number of children you will have. Paper If you choose to print everything we supply, you'll need 500-1000 sheets or more of paper.
See 'Printing Solutions' below. Ink or Toner If you choose to print everything we supply, you'll probably go through a couple of ink cartridges. Laser printing may be more cost-effective. See 'Printing Solutions' below. Printing Solutions It may not be necessary for you to print many of our materials. Using smartphones or tablets, you and your staff can access our materials from those devices and work straight from their screens.
Music Lesson For Children
Or, you can have multiple people login to our website and ask them to print a portion of the materials you need. For example, you could ask teachers to print their own lessons, etc. Smaller churches will surely not need to do as much printing, and larger churches will tend to be more capable of larger amounts of printing. Higher amounts of printing will cause increased costs in paper and toner. However, even if your ministry spends as much as $150 for ink and paper, the cost of our VBS still comes in lower than most of our competitors. When comparing VBS prices, you need to know about additional expenses you'll incur.
With our VBS, you'll need to buy some paper and some ink or toner. But with our competition, you'll have to buy a whole lot more! Check out the cost breakdowns below for a VBS of 100 children: TruthQuest Full VBS Kit: $99 Includes everything from the 'What's Included' section above, and it's all re-printable. To use it for a VBS of 100 children, you'll just have to buy some paper and ink or toner: TruthQuest VBS Additional Costs Cost for copy paper you'll need $25 Cost for ink or toner you'll use $65 Base cost ($99) plus additional costs ($90) $189 TruthQuest Total Cost: $189 (Excluding supply costs for crafts, games, snacks, etc.) This would be the cost for using our VBS for 100 children.
Compare this with our competition: Competition's Starter Kit: $99 Includes single copies of guides for the VBS Director, Snacks, Games, Crafts, Assemblies & Drama, Preschool Lessons, K-1st Lessons, 2nd-3rd Lessons, 4th-6th Lesson Guide, and Student Discipleship, along with some sample trinkets and DVDs. But, in order to use their VBS for 100 children, you'll also have these additional costs: Competitors VBS Additional Costs NOTE: Items with an asterisk (.) are included in the Starter Kit, but additional copies will likely be needed and must be purchased separately. Near the bottom of your screen, you'll find three special buttons: Sample Tapping this button (bottom of screen) allows you to print samples from this VBS program for evaluation purposes. More detailed sampling, including the VBS music, may be done via our free trial. Free Trial This button (bottom of screen) allows you to sign up for a free, no obligation trial of this entire VBS program. You'll have free, unlimited access to all the lessons, music, and other materials for evaluation purposes for 15 days.

At the end of the trial period, the access will terminate automatically with no charges assessed to you. We want you to judge our materials based upon their actual content, not based upon marketing! This button (bottom of screen) adds this item to your cart at the price shown on the button. You may then continue shopping or check out, which involves signing into or creating an account on our website. Your name and email are securely saved by TruthQuest for managing your account and for occasional email communication with you, but your information is not sold. Your payment information is securely saved by the credit card company for fast, secure purchases, but your payment information is neither received or saved by TruthQuest.
You will gain access to your purchase immediately upon completion of your order (nothing will be shipped to you) and you will be able to access your purchases from then on by logging into our website from any internet-capable device. All orders are refundable within 30 days in the event that you are not satisfied.
'Bible Journey Series' Bible School Curriculum Summer or Vacation Bible School (VBS) materials If you need more than is available currently in inventory, please call us. Grades 1 - 10 teach the Bible in chronological order. Student and teacher manuals for each level. Bible teaching, not merely entertainment.
All courses have 10 lessons (with suggestions for teaching each course in 5 lessons). Punch-outs for younger levels A Teacher's Guide and a Pupil's Workbook are provided for each level. The Teacher's Guide includes detailed help in presenting each lesson, questions to ask, supplementary stories to read, suggestions for memory work, answers to questions in pupil's workbook, and more.