Washington Eoc Geometry Study Guide
Math End-of-Course Exams Students through the Class of 2018 may use Math End-of Course (EOC) exams to meet their graduation assessment requirement in math. If they take a math EOC in the spring and do not pass, their first is in January/February. See the chart on the for other options and requirements for other classes.

Math EOC exams began in spring 2011, as required by state law. These EOC exams replaced the math High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE). Students take the tests within the last three weeks of the school year.
Each school determines its own testing schedule. The EOC exams are based on our state's. More information. Math graduation assessment requirements:. Math credit requirements: Questions? Additional Information Updated 1/26/2017 Quick Links Districts/Schools: Getting Career and College Ready Resources for Families Resources for Educators Old Capitol Building, PO Box 47200, 600 Washington St. S.E., Olympia, WA 360-725-6000 TTY 360-664-3631.
End-of-Course Exams End-of-Course (EOC) exams in math and biology allow students in grades 9-12 to be tested on the knowledge and skills they’ve gained from taking specific courses. They are different from tests like, which are comprehensive and assess overall content-area knowledge. EOCs are administered twice per year and the last three weeks of the course semester. Each school determines its own testing schedule. Math Math EOCs are based on the, and are available in algebra 1/integrated math 1 and geometry/integrated math 2.
They are designed using items from the Smarter Balanced math test. These tests can be used to fulfill assessment graduation requirements through the Class of 2018. Please see to find out which tests are required for graduation (listed by graduating class) and federal accountability.
Biology The biology EOC is based on the 2009. This test is used to fulfill assessment graduation requirements for the Class of 2017 and beyond.
It is also used for, because states are required to assess students in science once in high school. This means that students in 10th grade will have to take the biology EOC even if they were not enrolled in the course. Until (NGSS) are implemented and assessed, students will be required to pass the biology EOC.
After NGSS are implemented and assessed, students will be required to pass a Comprehensive NGSS Test. The timeline for NGSS is being developed.

Glencoe Geometry Study Guide
Please see to find out which tests are required for graduation (listed by graduating class). Updated 8/11/2015 Quick Links Districts/Schools: Getting Career and College Ready Resources for Families Resources for Educators Old Capitol Building, PO Box 47200, 600 Washington St. S.E., Olympia, WA 360-725-6000 TTY 360-664-3631.