Auto Repair Manuals Toyota
Toyota. Select Make.
This is the bible of 4runner repair. It was very useful in pretty much taking a weekend mechanic and helping me perform what I consider some pretty major auto repair tasks such as transmission filter replacements, steering racks, valve cover gaskets just to name a few.
Although with most repair guides, there could be more content and more pictures, but I found the interweb to help greatly in filling in the extra details while this guide provided the meat and potatoes so to speak. Torques were easily listed as well as a great troubleshooting guide. I was so happy to find this on here, I have always used Haynes manuals when I need to do repairs, if you know how to use tools, this manual will help you save thousands by not having to pay a maintenance shop. Haynes did not disappoint with this manual, it has been more than 15 years since I worked on a Toyota, and their manual has easy to read step by step guide to replace brakes, engines and even the radio! This manual also gives troubleshooting tips, required maintenance schedules and my personal favorite, wiring diagrams!! This manual is not as custom as it claims to be, for two reasons: First, it covers nearly a decade of cars (and those after '97 have key differences from earlier models) so photos and details are often not of your car, but rather just a car like yours. Second, many parts of the body and engine are similar to many other cars, and at points throughout the book it feels like the authors just copied and pasted whole sections from another manual in the Haynes series.

This book would benefit from a section at the front where the engine is thoroughly diagrammed. I would like to be able to look at a series of photos and know how to identify every part of the car. Maybe even they could stoop to the level of giving us a sentence or two about what each part does. Have done a few minor repairs and replaced my suspension components prior to owning this manual because my model year was not available at the time.Haynes manuals are always great very detailed and have had one for every other car I have owned. Very helpful for any DIY'r. Includes instruction for any and all auto repair and replacement jobs you could think of. However in addition to this manual take time to research procedures in online forums such amazing Ifo there as well.
Mitchell Auto Repair Manuals
Nice to have the manual and some pics at your fi gertils during a job though.