Evinrude 40 Hp Outboard Motor Manual
. † Permatex is a registered trademark of Permatex. † STP is a registered trademark of STP Products Company.
† Snap-on is a registered trademark of Snap-on Technologies, Inc. The following trademarks are the property of BRP US Inc. Or its affiliates: Twist Grip™ ®. EVINRUDE ICON / I-COMMAND HARNESS CONNECTIONS.
EVINRUDE E-TEC 90° V MODELS 200–300 HP. DO NOT perform any work until you have read trained technicians who are already familiar with and understood these instructions completely. The use of Evinrude/Johnson Special Tools. The Torque wrench tightening specifications must included information is not a substitute for work strictly be adhered to. INSTALLATION & PREDELIVERY DANGER Contact with a rotating propeller is likely to result in serious injury or death. Assure the engine and prop area is clear of people and objects before starting engine or operating boat. Do not allow anyone near a propeller, even when the engine is off.
Blades can be sharp and the propeller can continue to turn even after the engine is off. INSTALLATION & PREDELIVERY ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL Units of Measurement List of Abbreviations Amperes ABYC American Boat & Yacht Council amp-hr Ampere hour ATDC after top dead center fl. Fluid ounce air temperature sensor ft. EPA Emission Regulations Manufacturer’s Responsibility All new 1999 and more recent Evinrude/Johnson Beginning with 1999 model year outboards, man- outboards are certified to the EPA as conforming ufacturers of marine outboards must determine to the requirements of the regulations for the con. REMOTE CONTROLS BOAT RIGGING REMOTE CONTROLS Several remote control options, including both mechanical and electronic systems, are available in the Evinrude/Johnson Genuine Parts and Control System Selection Accessories catalog. Outboard remote control systems provide the operator with tools for: Mechanical control systems use push/pull.
BOAT RIGGING REMOTE CONTROLS Control Installation Plan the installation of remote controls carefully, NEUTRAL 15.0° following all instructions provided with the control. 15.0° 85.5° Select an appropriate location based on the boat 40.5° configuration. 2.5 in (64 mm) Typical control clearances 007920 Use an appropriate drill template to cut mounting holes. Evinrude ICON Networks All control information is transferred between the Control cables and harnesses should be routed outboard and an Evinrude ICON system through a along a protected path to the rear of the boat and single network cable.
Evinrude 40 Hp Outboard
For complete installation secured to prevent movement or damage. The distance between any two points on the network must not exceed 100 meters (328 ft.). The EMM on Evinrude E-TEC outboards has a load equivalency number of 1. Less than 50 mA of the network’s power is used by the EMM. BOAT RIGGING INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS SystemCheck (MWS) Harness Connections +12V WATER TEMP CHECK ENGINE Typical MWS wiring with a side-mount mechanical remote control 007989 1.
6-Pin Connector – Connect to a pre-wired remote control or to a dash-mounted key switch. BOAT RIGGING INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEMS I-Command Harness Connections With Mechanical Remote Control x 100 Water 3550 15.2 M E N U M E N U BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS EP- 85 Memory Module BUSS BUSS BUSS BUSS. Trim Switch Panel Start/Stop Switch Panel Center Buss Cable Extension Master Power Switch Starboard FUSE (–) ( + ) Gateway Module Backbone Buss Cable Accessory Harness and Relay Kit Typical Evinrude ICON network for three outboards and two control stations 007978.
BOAT RIGGING BATTERY INSTALLATION BATTERY INSTALLATION Battery Connections WARNING Each outboard requires its own starting battery. Select a battery that meets or exceeds the mini- Keep the battery connections clean, tight, mum requirements. And insulated to prevent their shorting or arcing and causing an explosion. Battery Cable Requirements Dual outboard installations can utilize the oppos- ing outboard's primary battery as a secondary bat- Evinrude outboards are shipped with stranded tery for emergency starting only. Copper battery cables for typical installations in which the starting battery is close to the transom. VINRUDE ODELS Evinrude E-TEC V4–V6 outboards are equipped Evinrude E-TEC 40 – 90 HP outboards do not with isolated battery charging capability. The iso- lated charge connection must only be used to have a built in isolator feature.
Proper methods charge a single 12-volt battery or two 12-volt bat- must be used to connect a second battery. BOAT RIGGING BATTERY INSTALLATION Battery and Switch Wiring Diagrams Single outboard BOTH BOTH PRIMARY PRIMARY PRIMARY SECONDARY SECONDARY Accessory charge wire (V models) Positive (+) Battery Cable 50 amp fuse Negative (–) Battery Cable 1. Single starting battery with ON/OFF switch 008056 2. BOAT RIGGING BATTERY INSTALLATION Two outboards: One primary battery each; one isolated accessory battery Positive (+) Battery Cable Negative (–) Battery Cable Accessory charge wire (V models) 50 amp fuse BOTH BOTH PRIMARY PRIMARY ACCESSORY 008053 Two outboards: One primary battery each; two isolated accessory batteries Positive (+) Battery Cable Negative (–) Battery Cable Accessory charge wire (V models). BOAT RIGGING FUEL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FUEL SYSTEM NOTICE Do not use portable fuel tanks for outboards larger than 115 HP. Inadequate fuel REQUIREMENTS flow to high horsepower outboards can result in serious powerhead damage.
Regulations and Guidelines Fuel Hose Vessel manufacturer, and/or installer of an EPA certified outboard, must meet minimum specifica- All fuel hoses used for rigging outboards manufac- tions for boat fuel systems established. BOAT RIGGING FUEL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Fuel System Primer The filter must be mounted to a rigid surface above the full level of the fuel tank and accessible Outboards require a priming system to refill the for servicing. Fuel system after periods of non-use.
The most common priming system is a primer bulb in the Fuel Filter Assembly, P/N 174176, meets all fuel supply hose. BOAT RIGGING FUEL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Fuel Flow Requirements 15 – 30 HP 40 – 90 HP 115 – 300 HP Fuel tank pickup tube 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) min.
(7.9 mm) min. (9.5 mm) min. ID Fuel fittings 5/32 in.
BOAT RIGGING REMOTE OIL TANK INSTALLATION (V4 – V6) REMOTE OIL TANK NOTICE Be sure box includes drain holes so it does not fill with water and contaminate oil. INSTALLATION (V4 – V6) Location NOTICE Consider the installation location of the oil tank carefully. BOAT RIGGING REMOTE OIL TANK INSTALLATION (V4 – V6) 1.8 G Place floor bracket on center line between end ALLON lines. Use the inner bracket holes as guides to drill Place rods into floor bracket and secure floor two 5/32 in. (4 mm) pilot holes. Bracket with lag bolts.
BOAT RIGGING REMOTE OIL TANK INSTALLATION (V4 – V6) Oil Tank Profiles 1.8 Gallon Tank 3 Gallon Tank P/N 176995 P/N 176996 Remote Oil Fill Kit (Optional) The remote oil fill kit (P/N 176461) provides a deck-mounted fill tube, cap, a tank-mounted tube, and nut that replace the original oil tank cap assembly. BOAT RIGGING CABLE AND HOSE INSTALLATION CABLE AND HOSE Boat Cable and Harness Routing INSTALLATION WARNING Improper installation and routing of out- Before installation, identify all required wiring, board controls could wear, bind, and dam- cables, and hoses: age components, causing loss of control. Protective Sleeve/Conduit Oil Supply Hose Make sure all cables, wiring, and hoses have Evinrude E-TEC V4–V6 outboards use a single oil been identified and fitted to the appropriate supply hose connected to the outboard and to the lengths.
Refer to OUTBOARD RIGGING on p. BOAT RIGGING CABLE AND HOSE INSTALLATION Oetiker Clamp Servicing Clamp Identification Use Oetiker clamps for making hose connections. These clamps provide corrosion resistance, mini- mize the potential for abrasion of rigging compo- nents, and provide solid, permanent connections.
The selection and installation of an Oetiker clamp is essential in the proper sealing of hose connec- tions. IMPORTANT: Use only Oetiker recommended tools to close Oetiker stepless clamps.
Oetiker pincers are available in the Evinrude/ Johnson Genuine Parts and Accessories Catalog. 000108 Method 2: Lift end of stepless clamp with screw- driver. BOAT RIGGING NOTES NOTES Technician’s Notes Related Documents Bulletins Instruction Sheets Other. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION HULL PREPARATION OUTBOARD INSTALLATION HULL PREPARATION The stern brackets must contact the flat surface of the transom.
Modify trim that prevents the stern brackets from resting against the transom surface. Maximum Capacity Do not modify stern brackets. WARNING WARNING Do not overpower the boat by installing an DO NOT install an outboard on a curved.
If alternate bolt lengths or replacement parts required, only Evinrude/Johnson Genuine Parts. DR5703 IMPORTANT: Standard screws offered by local merchants may not provide the high strength required for outboard installations. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING TRANSOM MEASURING If the standard spacing does not allow full steering travel in a particular installation, it may be neces- AND DRILLING sary to increase the spacing. IMPORTANT: Some steering systems Hull Centerline require additional spacing. Refer to steering sys- Use the chines of the boat as reference points to tem manufacturer for recommendations. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING Transom Height Transom Drilling Locations Make sure the transom height matches the length 75–300 HP, A ODELS of the outboard to be installed.
40–60 HP, P OWER RIM MODELS. A 19 to 21 in. (48.3 to 53.3 mm) transom height 25–30 HP, P OWER ODELS. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING Before drilling any mounting holes:. Make sure the hole locations provide enough clearance for mounting bolts and washers. Check the inside area of the transom for obstructions.
Check transom height(s) at centerlines. Drill four ½. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING Drilling and Hardware Diagrams 75–300 HP, A; 40–60 HP, P; 25–30 HP, P ODELS OWER RIM MODELS OWER ODELS IMPORTANT: This is not a template.

(4 1/32) 4.031 in. (4 1/32) (102.4 mm) (102.4 mm) 1. Center of Transom 2. Top of Transom 3. 5/16” Bolt Hole Locations. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING IMPORTANT: This is not a template.
(53.08 mm) 8.99 in. (228.34 mm) 90°. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING 25–30 HP, M ANUAL ODELS IMPORTANT: This is not a template. (126.2 mm) (126.2 mm) 4 3/4 4 3/4 (121.2 mm) (121.2 mm) (19 mm) 1. Center of Transom 2.
Top of Transom 3. 5/16” Bolt Hole Locations. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING IMPORTANT: This is not a template. (50.2 mm) 3 3/4 3 1/2 (95.25 mm) (91 mm) (19 mm). OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING 15 HP, P OWER ODELS IMPORTANT: This is not a template. Center of Transom 2. Top of Transom 3.
5/16” Bolt Hole Locations. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION TRANSOM MEASURING AND DRILLING IMPORTANT: This is not a template. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION LIFTING THE OUTBOARD LIFTING THE 60° V4 V6 M ODELS Position lifting tool on crankshaft and tighten the OUTBOARD center retaining screw securely using a 1/4 in. Allen wrench. Lifting Fixtures WARNING To avoid personal injury, make sure the lift- ing capacity of the hoist is at least twice the weight of the outboard. Use this tool for horizontal lifting of 30 HP and smaller Evinrude E-TEC models ONLY. DO NOT use this tool to lift outboards larger than 30 HP Evinrude E-TEC models.
To avoid personal injury and boat or out- 007211 board damage, DO NOT use this tool to install or remove outboard from transom Remove chain from lifting tool. WARNING Mechanical Cables If the chain snap hooks are too large, the All Evinrude outboards equipped with tilt tubes are cast in lift eye could break causing the out- compatible with mechanical steering systems that board to drop suddenly causing personal meet ABYC Standard P-17. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION STEERING SYSTEMS Manual Hydraulic Steering Drag Links Manual hydraulic steering systems use hydraulic Use the correct drag link to allow full steering fluid to transfer motion and load from the helm to travel: the outboard.
Model Drag Link Use only a hydraulic steering system designed for 90°. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION OUTBOARD MOUNTING OUTBOARD MOUNTING 75–300 HP, A ODELS 40–60 HP, P OWER RIM MODELS 25–30 HP, P OWER ODELS IMPORTANT: Some rigging components, such Assemble transom mounting plates on mounting as steering cables, must be fitted to the outboard bolts. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION OUTBOARD MOUNTING 40–65 HP, M Install the mounting bolts through the stern brack- ANUAL ODELS ets and transom. Install round backing plates and Manual tilt models require Transom Mounting Kit, locknuts onto bolts and tighten securely. The kit includes a transom mounting plate and hardware for fastening outboard to tran- som. OUTBOARD INSTALLATION NOTES NOTES Technician’s Notes Related Documents Bulletins Instruction Sheets Other. OUTBOARD RIGGING COMMON PRACTICES – ALL MODELS OUTBOARD RIGGING COMMON PRACTICES – Cable Retainer Clip Installation When installing retainer clips on control arm link- ALL MODELS age pins, clips should be locked and must not be bent or deformed.
Control Cable Identification For proper installation, review the following steps: IMPORTANT: Identify control cable function. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 90° V MODELS 200–300 HP EVINRUDE E-TEC 90° V Refer to the following diagram to ensure proper positioning of rigging components in grommet. MODELS 200–300 HP Cable, Hose, and Wire Routing CAUTION To prevent accidental starting while servic- ing, disconnect the battery cables at the battery. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 90° V MODELS 200–300 HP same path to the starboard side of the powerhead. Hold the shift linkage in NEUTRAL. Secure all cables with clamps. Push and pull on the shift cable and observe the cable slack.
Hold the casing guide in the center of the slack. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 90° V MODELS 200–300 HP Make sure that idle stop of the throttle lever is Battery Cable Connections against the crankcase. Install battery cables on starter solenoid and main ground stud. Throttle lever stop 003968 1. If using an Evinrude ICON control system, the I- Command Engine Interface Cable, Power Supply Kit, and Ignition and Trim Harness are not required.
007883 ICON Network Connections 2. Small tabs If the outboard is equipped for an Evinrude ICON Do not rotate connectors until they align. This control system, connect the outboard to the net- could result in a mismatched connection. It is pos- work as follows. To send water pressure data to the EMM, along remote control system. With an I-Command display, install a water pres- sure transducer kit. For more information, refer to the Evinrude ICON Remote Control System Installation Guide, Water pressure readings in excess of 40 psi (275 P/N 764952.
OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 60° V MODELS 115–200 HP EVINRUDE E-TEC 60° V Refer to the following diagram to ensure proper positioning of rigging components in grommet. MODELS 115–200 HP Cable, Hose, and Wire Routing CAUTION To prevent accidental starting while servic- ing, disconnect the battery cables at the battery.
OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 60° V MODELS 115–200 HP same path to the starboard side of the powerhead. Make sure the remote control, gearcase, shift link- Secure all cables with clamps. Age, and shift cable are in NEUTRAL. Hold the shift linkage in NEUTRAL. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 60° V MODELS 115–200 HP Make sure that idle stop of the throttle lever is Battery Cable Connections against the crankcase.
Install battery cables on starter solenoid and main ground stud. Throttle lever stop 004947 1. If the outboard will be used with I-Command, or other NMEA 2000 compliant CANbus instruments, use the following connections to supply informa- tion to the network: If using an Evinrude ICON control system, the I- 1. Harness connections 004951 Command Engine Interface Cable, Power Supply. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 60° V MODELS 115–200 HP Route the harness under the front of the EMM and switch is on. Newer, quick connect-style networks around the port side of the powerhead. Secure do not use this connection.
With tie straps. Small tabs ICON Network Connections Do not rotate connectors until they align. This If the outboard is equipped for an Evinrude ICON could result in a mismatched connection.
It is pos- control system, connect the outboard to the net- sible for each pin to enter a socket even if the tabs work as follows. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC 60° V MODELS 115–200 HP Water Pressure Gauge To send water pressure data to the EMM, along with an I-Command display, install a water pres- To display engine water pressure, install a water sure transducer kit. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 40–90 HP EVINRUDE E-TEC When grommet is in place and all cables have been installed, tighten a tie strap around the out- MODELS 40–90 HP side of the grommet to form a watertight seal around the cables.
OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 40–90 HP nion into the lower anchor pocket. Adjust the trun- nion nut so the casing fits onto the shift lever pin. Throttle lever stop – 3 Cylinder models 005111 1. Shift lever pin 002100 2. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 40–90 HP SystemCheck Harness Arrange connectors in flywheel cover. Connections Place the wiring harness through notch in lower motor cover and route to the recess in the fly- wheel cover. Secure the cable with a tie strap as.
OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 40–90 HP I-Command Network Connections Connect the I-Command Engine Interface Cable to the EMM CANbus connector. If the outboard will be used with I-Command, or other NMEA 2000 compliant CANbus instruments, use the following connections to supply informa- tion to the network: Remove lower motor covers.
OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 40–90 HP If connecting to an existing Deutsch-style I-Com- YLINDER ODELS mand network, connect the purple wires between EMM CANbus connector cap is clipped to EMM the I-Command Ignition and Trim Harness and the cooling water hose. Remove clip from cap and I-Command Engine Interface Cable. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 40–90 HP Use Evinrude Diagnostics software to adjust net- Water Pressure Gauge work settings in the EMM. From the Settings To display engine water pressure, install a water screen, select Engine Options. Pressure hose fitting in the cylinder block as shown.
OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 15–30 HP EVINRUDE E-TEC When grommet is in place and all cables have been installed, tighten a tie strap around the out- MODELS 15–30 HP side of the grommet to form a watertight seal around the cables. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 15–30 HP Adjust the shift cable trunnion to align with the adjust the trunnion nut so the casing fits onto the center of the trunnion block. Throttle lever pin. Shift linkage 007215 1. Throttle lever pin 007217 2. OUTBOARD RIGGING EVINRUDE E-TEC MODELS 15–30 HP SystemCheck Harness Route trim and tilt connector under air silencer. Use tie strap to secure connector as shown.
Connections Before installing electrical connectors, check that the seal is in place. Clean off any dirt from con- nectors. OUTBOARD RIGGING NOTES NOTES Technician’s Notes Related Documents Bulletins Instruction Sheets Other. Do not smoke, allow open flames or IMPORTANT: The only fuel additives approved sparks, or use electrical devices such as ® for use in Evinrude outboards are 2+4 fuel condi- cellular phones in the vicinity of a fuel leak tioner Evinrude/Johnson. FUEL AND OIL PRIMING FUEL SYSTEM PRIMING FUEL SYSTEM PRIMING Priming the Fuel System WARNING Vent Line Clamp Federal Regulations require that all outboards Fuel vapors are highly flammable.
Perform with a fuel vapor separator must be shipped with a the following procedure in a well venti- vent line clamp installed. XD30, XD50, or XD100. Evinrude/Johnson XD100, XD50, or XD30 out-. Applications requiring maximum lubrication.
Board oils are recommended for use in Evinrude. Extreme applications (commercial or harsh con- E-TEC outboards. If these oils are not available, ditions, racing or other high performance opera- you must use a TC-W3 certified oil. EMM programming. Break-In Oiling IMPORTANT: DO NOT add oil in the fuel tank on Evinrude E-TEC models. Evinrude/Johnson XD30 outboard lubricant (TC-W3) 004964 YELLOW label The Engine Management Module (EMM) will auto- 2.
Evinrude/Johnson XD100 outboard lubricant (Premium). The pump assembly cannot prime itself until bution hoses, and to the crankcase fittings. It has been filled with oil. Use Evinrude Diagnostics software to make sure the EMM is programmed for the type of oil being used. Start the outboard. Use the oil priming functions in the software to make sure the system is com- pletely primed.
Continue to squeeze the oil primer bulb until oil flows through the oil pump, into the oil distribution hoses, and to the crankcase fittings. Use Evinrude Diagnostics software to make sure the EMM is programmed for the type of oil being used. FUEL AND OIL PRIMING OIL SUPPLY PRIMING Use the Prime Oil System button of the Dynamic Make sure that oil flows through the rear oil distri- Test screen to prime the oil pump. Bution manifold to the cylinder block fittings. FUEL AND OIL PRIMING OIL SUPPLY PRIMING 15 – 90 HP Models Use Evinrude Diagnostics software to make sure the EMM is programmed for the type of oil being used. Start the outboard.
Use the oil priming function in the software to make sure the system is com- pletely primed. PREDELIVERY BEFORE START-UP PREDELIVERY BEFORE START-UP Trim and Tilt Fluid CAUTION Gearcase Lubricant With outboard vertical, check the gearcase lubri- Correct fluid level must be maintained to cant level: ensure operation of the impact protection. Remove the lubricant level plug. Lubricant must built into the unit. PREDELIVERY RUNNING CHECKS.

RUNNING CHECKS Single Ram System–Add Evinrude/Johnson Biodegradable TNT Fluid, as needed, to bring level to the bottom of the fill plug threads. DANGER DO NOT run the engine indoors or without adequate ventilation or permit exhaust fumes to accumulate in confined areas. (SystemCheck) Break-In Confirm accuracy of tachometer reading.
Evinrude E-TEC outboards require no break in. Adjust dial on back of tachometer to required When the outboard is delivered, refer the cus- setting (the outboard should not be running). Water testing with various propeller designs and each situation.
Sizes is the best method of propeller selection. Refer to the Evinrude/Johnson Genuine Parts and Accessories Catalog for propeller styles The correct propeller, under normal load condi- and sizes. Tions, will allow the engine to run near the mid-.
120 to 144 in. Lbs IMPORTANT: Depending on propeller style, dif- ferent thrust bushings, spacers, and cotter pin keepers are used. See the Evinrude/Johnson Genuine Parts and Accessories Catalog for cor- rect propeller hardware. Aluminum or stainless steel Large diameter hub.
PREDELIVERY WATER TEST AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS WATER TEST AND FINAL Engine Mounting Height and Jack Plate Adjustment ADJUSTMENTS Goals include:. Engine RPM within the full throttle operating An in the water test is required to make sure the range outboard(s) and boat are rigged correctly, propel-. PREDELIVERY WATER TEST AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Water Pressure Chart This chart lists typical water pressure readings for ings can vary depending on water screen type, 2012 model outboards for boat speeds up to hull design, set up, and operating conditions.
50 mph (80 kph/43 knots). PREDELIVERY WATER TEST AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Tilt Limit Switch Adjustment Place the outboard in normal operating position.
(75 – 300 HP) Rotate the LOWER adjustment tab UP to reduce the maximum tilt. Rotate the UPPER adjustment WARNING tab DOWN to increase the maximum tilt position. If the outboard does not clear all boat parts when tilted fully or turned side to side, safety related parts could be damaged in. PREDELIVERY WATER TEST AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Trim Sending Unit Adjustment Observe the trim gauge. If the needle does not show center position, tilt the outboard up and (75 – 300 HP) adjust the sending unit by pivoting it up or down. Tilt the outboard and engage the tilt support. PREDELIVERY WATER TEST AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Trim Sending Unit Adjustment WARNING (25 – 60 HP) To avoid personal injury, do not adjust the The sending unit eccentric cam must be adjusted sending unit eccentric cam while the so that the gauge needle is aligned with the lowest engine is being tilted.
Johnson 40 Hp Outboard Motor Manual
PREDELIVERY WATER TEST AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Trim Tab Adjustment WARNING Improper trim tab adjustment can cause difficult steering and loss of control. A propeller will generate steering torque when the propeller shaft is not running parallel to the water’s surface. The trim tab is adjustable to compensate for this steering torque. PREDELIVERY WATER TEST AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Dual-Outboard Alignment Alignment Adjustment Various boat/motor combinations respond differ- Dual outboards must be connected with a tie bar ently to dual-outboard alignments. Each applica- and adjusted to align the outboards for correct tion must be thoroughly tested until the ideal water flow to the gearcases and propellers.