General Chemistry Lab Manual Brooklyn College
The application process for the 2018 cycle has begun. Applications are currently being accepted for Fall 2018. The Chemistry Program has three principal objectives:. to prepare chemistry majors for careers in chemistry or related areas such as medicine, dentistry or the health professions;. to provide students in other disciplines with the required chemistry courses for their programs; and. to provide non-science majors with an opportunity to acquire knowledge of our natural and technological environment as explained through chemical principles.
The chemistry major provides the student with a sound foundation in the theoretical and experimental principles of chemistry. The course of study includes the areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry and biochemistry.

The major prepares students for advanced study in graduate school, professional programs in medicine and dentistry, and careers in teaching, industry, and government that require a bachelor's degree in Chemistry. The Pharmaceutical Science Program has two principal objectives:. to prepare pharmaceutical science majors for careers in the flourishing New York and tri-state-based pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemical and related industries;. to ensure that graduates of the program can be employed in areas such as drug discovery, research and development, product formulation and manufacturing, process improvement, pharmacokinetics and metabolism, drug safety and surveillance, regulatory affairs and licensing. In addition, graduates of the program will be able to pursue graduate studies leading to M.D., D.D.S., B.S/M.S. Students pursuing the B.S. In Pharmaceutical Science must meet the General Education Requirements for a Chemistry Major plus complete three mandatory Pharmaceutical Science courses, a 3-credit Chemistry course, as well as an elective Pharmaceutical Science course.
Courses and Description of the Major Course Descriptions for our courses are available in the College Bulletin:. Chemistry for Majors If you plan to major in chemistry, the Department offers four degree programs:. A Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.
A Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a specialization in Biochemistry. A Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry. A Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry with a specialization in Biochemistry For more on these degree programs, see the. The Department’s degree programs are designed to prepare the student for advanced study and a career in chemistry, biochemistry, and related fields, including medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and secondary school science teaching.
If you are thinking of majoring in chemistry, be sure to make an appointment to see Chemistry Advising to talk to a faculty member about when you will take these courses. Chemistry for Non-Majors If you do not plan to major in chemistry, but would like to get a “taste” of chemistry—and, at the same time, satisfy one of the college’s laboratory science distribution requirements - you should consider taking one of the department’s introductory courses: CHE 137-138 (lecture and lab), CHE 114 (lecture)/115 (lab), or CHE 166 (lecture)/167 (lab). These introductory courses are designed to provide the student with a sound foundation in the principles of chemistry, an introduction to some of its many applications, and an understanding of the how chemistry relates to the larger world. CHE 114/115 is the beginning of the sequence of chemistry courses for nursing and nutrition majors.
Principles Of General Chemistry Lab Manual
They are followed by CHE 120/121. The CHE 166-169 general chemistry sequence is required for science majors, and pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, and pre-pharmacy students. The CHE 232-235 organic chemistry sequence is required for science majors, and pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, and pre-pharmacy students. Sample Course Syllabi Please not that the sample syllabi are provided to give you an idea of what the topics covered in these courses are. Please contact the instructor or department for more course information, such as which books will be used in the coming semester.