Golf 6 Plus User Manual
All, Attached you'll find ALL 14 of the OFFICIAL VW Manuals for the Golf R / GTI 2016 U.S Edition Some of these files will come in both epub (native) and PDF formats.Note: All EPUB files have been uploaded. PDF conversions are pending, stay tuned!. If you're on a Mac, you can use iBooks to view the file. If you're using Windows, check here for a list of compatible viewers - Links updated on: November 1st, 2015 @ 9:22AM.

Owner's Manual - Golf GTI, Golf R U.S. Also epub to pdf is a quick google search for anyone not wanting epub files. But thanks again to OP!Thanks BluePanda and yes, there's a few online sites that will do the conversion. One note though, some of those tools strip the table of contents / index from the file which means that clicking on the blue text (hyperlinks) within the document won't take you to the subsequent page within the manual you're viewing.
So long as you're ok with that, by all means. Let me know if you find one that preserves the formatting and such. Anyhow, I'll try to knock out the remaining PDF documents over the next few days for those who don't mind waiting. Good point Cyket - I don't think the hyperlinks do work (at least not in foxit). I'm just happy to have the manual outside of my car - so I didn't even manage to worry about the format! Thanks again.
It's great to have it on hand when reading posts here and or just thinking about changes (mods) to the car while maintaining the copy IN the car.BluePanda, that's been my experience with the online converters, not entirely sure why it operates like that. At any rate, I've found 2 great open source tools that have the ability to perform the document conversion. First one is called Calibre. The second is Sigil.
This is what I used to convert the Owners manual to PDF from EPUB. And agreed, it's great having a version that can be viewed on multiple electronic devices. This is awesome.

I was asking about this in a different post. Thanks!:-) btw is it possible to share the epub links for all? I am seeing it only for the ones that does not have a pdf link.You're welcome! To answer your question in regards to the EPUB documents, there's only 5 that come that way natively.
Jun 9, 2018 - The Fox Model B is a moderately-priced side-by-side double-barrel shotgun with concealed hammers. Introduced in 1939 by Savage Arms Corp., this gun bears the name of the famous Fox shotguns which were produced for many years by the A. In 1930, Savage bought out the Fox Co., and. Oct 9, 2014 - pretty common guns. Remington will send you a manual free. Take off the bbls on the savage and see what you can find. We will tell you. Your Fox Model B is basically a Stevens 311 ( They made a gazillion of. Savage fox model b history. Nov 7, 2017 - Read your owners manual, it's in there. Also you can Google it if you lost the owners manual. It's a simple process that takes 20 minutes. View this discussion about Savage Fox model B in the Numrich Gun. However, these are not disassembly/Assembly instructions.they just. Centerfire Rifles. Models 10/110 (excluding 'LE SERIES'), 11/111, 14/114 and 16/116 Bolt Action Centerfire Rifles (.pdf); Model 10/110 'LE Series'.
6 Plus Specs
Owners Manual, Infotainment system, Performance Monitor, Warranty and Maintenance and lastly the Think Blue Trainer. All 5 of those documents are in an archive thats password protected on the VW iOwn application. The 'EPUB' archive files were built and formatted specifically for the iPad application. Once you view any of the aforementioned documents within the iOwn app, they're unpacked and loaded into memory (and on disk ) using the archive password. Having said all of that, some fixing was needed in order to convert the documents back to a native EPUB format structure.
I'm assuming VW did this because they never had any intention of making any of these 5 manuals available for download - I still don't understand the reason behind that, perhaps so that they could charge for the manuals in the future? Anyhow, it's possible to go from PDF to EPUB but would take some work to build the TOC / Indexes.
If there's enough interest, I'll consider doing this for the native PDF documents.