Organisms Study Guide
Add Remove I would like to have a study guide for my biology exam coming up this week. Could you find the answers to these questions? Does a clam have no body symmetry, bilateral symmetry, or radial symmetry? Indicate each of the following organisms whether they are classified under the Porifera phylum, the Cnidarian phylum, the Nematode phylum, the platyhelminthes phylum, or the annelid phylum. Indicate which phylum is being described for each out of the Poriferam cnidarian, nematode, platyhelminthes, or annelid.
Segmented round worms.Filter Feeder.Sessile.Stinging cells.Straight tube within a tube.Porous bodies.Smooth skinned round worm.Tentacles.Flat worms. Complete the following multiple choice questions 4. Sponges cannot hunt their prey, cnidarians can. Cnidarians gain this ability through the use of.a) sessile cells, b)pores, c)stinging cells, d)tentacles, e)the osculum 5. Which is a true statement about an animal that is bilaterally symmetrical? A) it has sense organs at the posterior end, b) all are parasites, c) it is sessile, d) it has no posterior, e) it has sense organs at the anterior end. Which of the following is a parasitic flat worm?
A) planaria, b) earthworm, c) leech, d) hookworm, e) tapeworm 7. One difference between a round worm and a flat worm is that a round worm has a) no posterior end, b) a mouth, c) one opening to the outside environment, d) cells with a cell wall, e) a mouth and an anus 8. Regeneration is closely associated with a) protection, b) respiration, c) defense, d) digestion, e) reproduction 9.Organisms that are anchored to the ocean floor are said to be a) sessile, b) dormant, c) flagellated, d) summetric, e) parasites 10. What is one way in which sponges are different from other animals? A) most have no body symmetry, b) they move very slowly, c) they are eukaryotes, d) they reproduce asexually, e) they are consumers 11. Most animals need a support system that is flexible enough to a) with-stand temperature changes, b) be digested by enzymes, c) allow movement, d) absorb blood, e) act as filters 12. A term that is used to identify an animal that can produce both eggs and sperm is known as a a) hermaphrodite, b) medusa, c) polyps, d) heterotroph, e) protist 13.
A relative of the Portugese man-of-war is the a) earthworm b) sponge c) planaria d) hookworm e) hydra 14.The most ancient animal (most primitive) of all animals alive today are a) hydras b) sea anemone c) planaria d) nematodes e) sponges 15. All animals that eat other animalsor parts of them are a) carnivores b) herbivores c) sessile d) motile e)producers 16. The planaria sucks food from its body through its a) hooks b) suckers c) pharynx d) cavity e) stomach 17. The eyespots of the planaria are located a) at the ventral dorsal b) at the posterior dorsal c) at the posterior ventral d) at the anterior dorsal e) the planaria does not even have eyespots 18. Which of the following organisms is not related to the jellyfish? A) hydra b) sea anemone c) planaria d) sponge e) both c and d 19.
Which of the following is the breathing structure for the earthworm? A) lungs b) gills c) mouth d) mantle e) moist skin 20. Which of the following is the function of the circulatory system?
A) take oxygen from the atmosphere b) eliminate the body of liquid waste products c) carry oxygen and nutrients to all the tissues of the organism's body d) pump the blood e) to remove solid waste materials from the organisms 21. Which of the following IS NOT TRUE concerning the organisms located in the animal kingdom? A) cells contain a nuclear membrane b) these organisms are heterotrophs c) all animals can reproduce sexually d) cell structure of these organisms are eukaryotic e) all animals contain a mouth opening and an anus opening 22. Which of the following IS NOT TRUE: a) the top fin of a shark is located on its ventral region of the animal b) the antennae of insects are located on the anterior region of the animal c) the anus of the earthworm is located on the posterior region of the animal d) the mouth of the planaria is located on the anterior region of the animal e) both a and d are incorrect 23.
Which organism contains no true tissues nor true organs? A) planaria b) earthworm c) round worms d)snail e) sponge 24.
Many cnidarians are considered polyps because a) they are sessile b) their tentacles are located on the top of the organism c) their mouth is located on the bottom of the organism d) their anus is located on the dorsel side of the organism e) their cells contain a cell wall 25. Which of the following organisms have no backbones (invertebrates) a) leech b)earthworm c) sponge d) tapeworm e) all of the above 26. The following description would place an organism in which kingdom: eukaryotic/multicellular/heterotroph/cells lack a cell wall a) protist b) fungi c) moneran d) Animal e) plant 27. Which of the following structures do a nematode and an annelid have in common? A) eyespots b) mouth and an anus c) tube within a tube d) segments e) both b and c 28.
Which of the following structures do a Porifera and a Cnidarian have in common? A) a large cavity inside the body b) multicellular c) stinging cells d) a segmented body e) both and b 29. Which of the following structures do a Cnidarian and an Annelid have in common? A) hearts b) intestines c) an anus d) segments e) no backbone 30. Which of the following structures do a planaria and an earthworm have in common?
A) a mouth and an anus b) ganglion (brain tissue) c) segments d) eyespots e)ringworm 31. Suckers and hooks are found on the tapeworm's a) tail b) posterior region d) neck e) head 31. Which of the following animals IS NOT an invertebrate? A) sponge b) tapeworm c) nematode d) jellyfish e)cat 32. An organism that can move about freely is said to be a) a vertebrate b) sedentary c) flexibile d) sessile e) motile 33. One difference between nematodes and the planaria is that nematodes have a digestive system with a) no posterior end b) one opening c) a mouth d) two openings e) a pharynx 34.
In reference to your body, which of the following is true a) your eyes are located on the anterior region b) your ears are located on the posterior region c) your backbone is located on the ventral d) your 'belly button' is located on the ventral region e) Both A and D 35. Animals that have bilateral symmetry have an anterior end, a posterior end, a ventral side and a(n) a) sessile side b) dorsal side c) frontal side d) underside e) a light side © BrainMass Inc.
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Organisms Study Guide

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Correctly write the scientific name for man. Homo sapien or Homo sapien Why aren't common names good to use Common names change depending on the region & often have little to do with the species (star fish) What is the modern system of classification based on Modern classification systems are based on structure, DNA & amino acid sequencing.