Praxis Ii Study Guide 5031
I'm taking the Praxis 5001 in a few months, and I was looking for some prep materials to help me pass. Unfortunately, all the guides are for the Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects are either for the 5031 or the 5014; I can't find anything specific for the 5001 set of tests besides the practice tests offered by ETS. Although practice tests are helpful, I want a study guide. So, my questions: 1. Could I use the 5031 or 5014 test prep materials for the 5001, or are the tests too different?. 2.
If you've taken the 5001, what do you recommend as a study guide?.I went to the ETS website and compared the content of the 5031 and 5001; they seem pretty similiar, but I'm not very familiar with the way Praxis sets up it's tests. 5014 looks a bit like the old MSAT - a raft of multiple choice questions across multiple domains, allows a calculator, takes two hours - except that it doesn't test arts, PE or human development. 5031 is closer in format to 5001 in being broken up into four separately-subtests each of which focuses on a domain, but it's shorter in time and number of questions, and it doesn't have numerical-entry questions; it also allows a calculator.
5001's calculator is onscreen. I got this information (well, except the bit about MSAT) from leafing through Praxis's free Test Companions.

As long as you bear in mind that advice that depends on a test's specific format may not apply to you, you should find that materials for any of these tests should work for you. In fact, if you can sneak a peek at books for both 5001 and 5031, do so: books from the same publisher packaged for different tests tend to bear very strong family resemblances to each other. Which of the four subtests has you most concerned? TeacherGroupie, Thanks for the quick reply!
I feel much more confident now about using the 5031's prep materials. I was going to do it in the first place but after I called ETS to check if they were going to publish a 5001 guide (not likely) the guy talked me out of buying the 5031 guide to study for the test. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure he was just trying to sell me the practice tests- he didn't even know what the 5031 and 5001 tests were (granted, ETS offers a ton of tests). I'm most concerned about the Social Studies subtest. I am strong in Math and Science, and LA isn't going to be a problem after some studying.
I'm not sure about Social Studies though! I was always terrible at memorizing historial names, facts and dates. Thanks again. 'History' comes from the same root as 'story'. Think of history as the world's longest-running soap opera, complete with the dysfunctional relatives. Even Praxis has moved to some extent away from the focus on names and dates, names and dates. For that matter, the names and dates also make more sense from the perspective of the story.
(1492, for instance, is familiar as the year that Columbus and company sailed west. It's also the year that the last of the Moors (as in, so to speak, Moor-occo) were ejected from Spain in what's called the Reconquista or 'reconquering'. The standard error of measurement (SEM) is not related to the conversion of raw scores (quantity of questions correct) to scaled scores.

It appears from the Praxis doc that the standard error of measurement is based on scaled scores, not raw scores (and, unless 5004 has more than 153 items, it isn't even possible to earn a raw score of 153). The SEM is an indicator of a test's reliability, or the extent to which, other things being equal, a given test taker will earn the same score (the 'true score') on every version of a particular test, on every attempt. The test taker who gets a scaled score of 153 on a test with an SEM of 7.6 can be 95% confident that his or her true score on that test would fall within 7.6 points of 153. There are good explanations and.
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Thank you! I passed with a certificate of excellence! Best notes ever! I will be saving them for when I’m teaching.
September, 2014. Just got the passing grade in the mail and I wanted to thank you for your study notes! They really helped me and I felt confident taking the exam. June 2014 Sorry to respond so late but yes I recieved them. I read over them and took the test the next day and passed!!!! Thanks so much!
This is the best information out there. I bought at least 4 to 5 study guides and this one worked.
Tywanya Nov 2, 2012. I just wanted to let you know that I bought your study guide on April 16. I took my Elem.
Education Content Knowledge exam and just received my scores back. I earned the ETS Recognition of Excellence!
I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful service. It was so nice ot have all of the informaton readily available so I wouldn’t waste time hunting for it. Thanks again! Tara. April, 2012 These notes are exactly what I was looking for!
Your notes are a lifesaver! Bryan. April, 2012 I passed!
Everything I needed was in the notes and they made me feel so confident walking into the exam. I’m so proud of my score! Bonnie. June, 2012 The Social Studies study guide is a valuable and well organized overview of the topics, particularly World History and American History, for anyone studying for an examination in these fields.
Dan. February 24, 2012 Awesome notes! Everything a test taker needs to know to pass the Elementary Education 0014 was covered. Worth the price.
I bought this, studied only these notes, and I passed in the first attempt! If anyone is looking for study notes for Elementary Education 0014, buy these notes, never look for other notes. These notes have everything you need to know.Arulraj. February 15, 2012 I have no idea to whom I am writing this, but a few months ago I purchased your study notes for the Praxis II exam in Elementary Education Content Knowledge exam. I purchased the Social Studies notes, Science notes, and Language Arts notes. I did not feel any need for the math because I’m strong in that portion.
I had my exam on January 10. I would like to thank you for your notes; they really helped me focus on the right material to study. They were very helpful and the specific content matched very well with what we actually needed to learn for this exam. In other words, the content was more than relevant. I received my scores last week adn not only did I pass, but I have received a certificate of Excellence becuase of my high score!!!
Praxis Ii Study Guide 0041
Thank you very much, your study material really helped. Perre Forest Colebrook, NH. August 22, 2011 The study guides were AMAZING!!!!! I have been out of school for 4 years and recently decided to go back for teachign elementary school. I was very nervous about studying as well as testing. I studied these notes and passed the first time!!!!
-Amber. July 22, 2011 Thank you so much for your study guide for the Praxis II Elem. Ed Content Knowledge exam. I took the exam in June adn felt completely prepared.
The only preparation I did for the test was reviewing your study guide. I found the guide comprehensive, user-friendly, and completely on-point. That preparation paid off; I scored 196 out of 200 and was sent the ETS Recognition of Excellence.
Thanks again!!! Steimer.
July 2011 Thanks so much for the study notes. I scored 9 points higher than my state passing score. These study ntoes are very helpful adn worth your time and money. They are everything you need to pass your exam. I am a new teacher for this coming year!
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Tyra. February 15, 2011 HELLO, HELLO, HELLO, I passed my prxis on the first try thanks to your notes. I must say your program or should I say your notes were just what I needed. I tried other notes, books, downloads, but nothing compared to your SS NOTES.