Agilent 1100 Chemstation Manual
I'm currently having problems setting up communications between Chemstation and the Agilent 1100. I see bidirectional communication, ie packets sent and recieved, but chemstation doesn't seem to recognize the installed modules. Here is the logfile reading i get: 01/30/10 16:18:39 PM Status: BOOTP Request received at outer most layer Status: BOOTP Request received from hardware address: 0001E638B358 Status: found HPLC-5: Status: Host IP Address is: Status: Reply to BOOTP Request has been sent Status: BOOTP Request finished processing at outer most layer it looks like everything is fine, however, chemstation reports that each module i have setup is improperly configured (i cant remember exact error message).
Does this problem sound familiar to anyone? I know I haven't provided much detailed information of the problem, but we can start from here! The Agilent is very sensitive to the order in which you turn things on. You first turn the computer on and wait until everything has settled down. Only then do you turn on all the modules that you are intending to use.

You wait until you see the message you got below on the BOOT screen. Only then do you click on the Chemstation software and load it up. For some reason on Agilent GCs, the order of turning things on doesn't seem to matter-so it's easy to get confused if your lab has both instruments. Actually, I have a feeling that you are doing this correctly-otherwise you would not see the screen below.but I am not sitting in front of the machine at the moment to check.
Thanks for the replies. Although they didn't directly fix the problem they certainly pushed me in the direction of discovering the issue. During the initial installation of chemstation i designated a particular ip address for the instrument. During that time I was adjusting communication parameters, etc. In the shuffle i reassigned address to the hplc and computer and neglected to modify the ip in chemstation's configuration editor. I was getting sporadic communication, now that i fixed all ip assignments they communicate beautifully! Thanks for all your help -.until next time.
Agilent 1100 Chemstation
Check your LAN board in the 1100 module and its manual - on some models there are dip switches to select default IP, assigned IP (can be set by telnet) or cag Bootp. Ensure the IP is correctly set. You need to use cross LAN cable for direct connection to PC (for connection the switches and routers are more common the straight ones). You need to disable the DHCP in the TCP/IP protocol of your computer LAN card and set a fixed IP adress (differing in the last digit group) and mask. Use the Ping IP command from the command line prompt to ensure the module is communicating.

Please reffer to chapter 3.2 in.