Npma Field Guide
Second Edition of the NPMA Field Guide to Be Released at PestWorld 2007 FAIRFAX, Va. — The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) has teamed up once again with Eric Smith and Richard Whitman to bring you the Second Edition of the NPMA Field Guide to Structural Pests, scheduled to be released at the Bugstore during PestWorld 2007, October 17-20 in Orlando, Fla. This one-of-a-kind reference manual has been updated and improved to include additional regional pests, new high- resolution images, and the latest control procedures. Back by popular demand, the NPMA Field Guide will be packaged in the same convenient binder with easy-to-use tabs and a ruler to measure pests on the spot. Place your order now by going to store. Preorders will be taken through Nov.
1 and copies will ship in November. The published price for the manual is $99 per copy. NPMA members and all PestWorld 2007 attendees will receive a $10 discount. A further $10 discount per Field Guide is available for orders of 10 or more ($79 per copy).
For a limited time, receive an additional $5 discount by entering the following promotional code when placing your order online: NPMAFG002.
2007, 764 pages, color photos, line drawings, pictorial keys. Provides pest control industry and entomologists with an authoritative, easy-to-use guide to 367 commonly encountered structural pests. This edition contains updates to first edition entries, new high-resolution images, and 10 new pest treatments.

Introduction reviews basic entomology as it relates to pest control. Species descriptions include identification characteristics, metamorphosis, biology, habits, and control.
Npma Field Guide To Household Pests
Illustrates pests in color photos, supplemented by line drawings. Contains pesticide reference chart, glossary, and index. Although prepared for North American users, about 50% of pests described are common worldwide. Dodge charger shop manual 2017. National Pest Management Association; in 7 x 9″ 3-ring binder with labeled tabs separating chapters.