Kawasaki 1100 Stx Owners Manual
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Kawasaki has a funny attitude about manuals. They think that's copyrighted info. They are correct, but other brands seem like they don't mind letting the public share info. 2004 toyota tacoma repair manual free. Yes, you can find manuals on the internet for free. But the links are often temporary and soon disappear. There are some for sale cheap on e-bay.
These are usually CD's, of unknown origin, or copies thereof. There are also some 3rd party manuals (Seloc, or others). Some of these cover multiple years and models. Take afew minutes with your favorite search engine and you will probably come up with something. Another option.if you only need the owner/opertor manual, and not the full service & maintenence shop manual, you can get those for free from the Kawasaki site itself.
This ski is fine for tubing. The 1100 has plenty of power, especially for kids who don't weigh that much. And the STX is stable. (2-place skis are usually too unstable in the turns to tolerate the drag of a tow rope and tube. But most people can learn to adapt to any challenge if they are determined) Every state is different on the applicable laws and regulations.
Some require the ski be a 3-seater. Driver, observer, and a place for the tube rider who is counted as a passenger.
2001 Kawasaki 1100 Stx Owners Manual
Some require the observer to 'sit backwards' to adequately see the tuber. Most get seasick in this position. I usually have a second ski in operation that unofficially acts as a second observer. I don't think the law allows for such consideration, but I find it helpful to quickly assist or protect any fallen rider against other boat traffic while the tow ski is circling back. My tube tends to nose-dive when there is no rider to balance the angle. Thus the tow ski has to idle back to the fallen rider.
The rear view mirrors are required in some places, but personally I find them to be nearly useless in trying to watch the tuber who is often way outside the wake anyway.