Stryker Core Driver Manual
STRYKER INSTRUMENTS-KALAMAZOO CORE IMPACTION DRILL DRIVER, WIRE, AND BONE DRILL, MANUAL Catalog Number Event Date Event Type Malfunction Manufacturer Narrative Updated awareness date to (b)(6) 2013, which is the date the user facility contacted stryker to notify of this event. Manufacturer Narrative A follow-up report will be filed when the quality investigation has been completed.
Truck Driver Manual

Stryker core impaction drill instructions for use (5400-300-700, rev. E) states: the for use with section describes components that must be used with the equipment described in this manual to create a safe and effective system. Warning: use only stryker-approved system components and accessories, unless otherwise specified. Manufacturer Narrative The engineering technician confirmed the reported event of poor bur retention and noted the driveshaft was affected by corrosion. Corrosion can hinder the bur retention of the driveshaft by preventing the bur from being fully inserted.
Stryker Core Powered Instrument Driver Manual

Driver Manual Ky
955h cat track loader clutch adjustment. Event Description It was reported that the core impaction drill was being used in a 3rd molar extraction when the bur slipped and caused a laceration on the patient's lip. The customer reported using non-stryker burs. The laceration was sutured, and the procedure was completed with a back-up device.
Event Description It was reported that the core impaction drill was being used in a 3rd molar extraction when the bur slipped and caused a laceration on the patient's lip. The customer reported using non-stryker burs. The laceration was sutured, and the procedure was completed with a back-up device. Event Description It was reported that the core impaction drill was being used in a 3rd molar extraction when the bur slipped and caused a laceration on the patient's lip. The customer reported using non-stryker burs.